
Important Notes

  • A full conference registration includes access to the conference, workshop/tutorial, proceedings, daily lunch, daily morning, and afternoon refreshments with coffee/tea and ONE ticket to the DICTA 2024 Conference Banquet.
  • Authors of accepted full papers must register by the early bird deadline using the "Author Full Conference" rate.
  • An Author full conference registration can cover up to three papers, if the registering person is a co-author of all these papers.
  • The maximum length for a paper is 8 pages. There will be no extra page charges for DICTA 2024. Overlength papers will simply not be reviewed.
  • Additional banquet tickets must be purchased through the online registration portal.
  • All fees include GST and are in AUD (Australian Dollars).
  • Student attendees must be enrolled as a full time student at the time of registration. Please show your student ID at the registration desk or send a copy to
  • To qualify for the early bird discount you must register by the Early Bird Registration due date (30th September, 23:59 AOE).
  • If you attended DICTA 2023 in Port Macquarie, NSW you will have automatically become a member of the APRS.
  • Each paper must be supported by an author full conference registration which shall be completed by the early bird registration due date.
  • Only a student paper can be supported by a student registration, and the registering student must be the first author.
  • If a confirmation letter of conference registration or paper acceptance is needed, please contact the organising committee via email to
  • If your paper is selected for an oral presentation, you have the option to also have a complimentary in-person poster presentation. This means you could have both oral and poster presentations.
  • To indicate multiple workshops attendance during registration, first add your complete registration to the cart with a workshop/tutorial added and then continue shopping to add more workshops/tutorials. Just add one workshop/tutorial (without completing the rest of the details again).