Industry Site Tour

26 November, 12:30 PM to 6:30 PM


DUG is an ASX-listed technology company, headquartered in Australia, that specialises in analytical software development, big-data services and reliable, green, high-performance computing (HPC). DUG is built on a strong foundation of applied science and a history of converting research into practical, real-world solutions. DUG delivers innovative software products and cost-effective, cloud-based HPC as a service backed by bespoke support for technology onboarding. DUG's expertise in algorithm development and code optimisation enables clients to leverage big data and solve complex problems.

Please note buses will leave at around 12:30 PM from UWA.

DUG Computer
DUG Server


Australian Automation and Robotics Precinct (AARP), just 25 minutes north of the Perth CBD. It is a Australia’s largest trial, test, demonstration, and training ground for emerging automation and robotics systems and equipment, remote operations, and zero emissions technology.

Rough Agenda for the Afternoon:

2.30 - 2.45: Welcome + Intro and Overview from the AARP

2.45 - 3.00: Tour of the AARP Headquarters (HQ) + Precinct

3.00 - 3.15: Meet and Greet with Users

3.15 - 3.30: Q&A + Informal Networking

3.30: Tour End

This 51-hectare site and facility has been made available by DevelopmentWA, and is operated by CORE Innovation Hub. The Precinct includes multiple test beds that accommodate a range of vehicles, equipment, field robots, drones, and other technologies. Current users include IMDEX, Hexagon Mining, Jevons Robotics, Tribe Tech, NTRO, RCT Global, Diptek, and more.

It is an exciting chance to visit following the launch of the Precinct and AARP HQ in mid-November, as a vibrant innovation ecosystem continues to develop. The test areas are being developed to provide a Dirt Lab - Innovation Mine with drill pad, haul ramp, and load/unload areas, as well as New Energy, Heavy Haul, Urban, and Flex Zones for drones and collaborative projects.

The AARP HQ is a collaborative facility equipped with co-working space, meeting rooms and offices, a control room, training facilities, lab and maker space, and exhibition areas. The AARP caters to startups, small and medium-sized businesses, mid-tier miners, and Tier 1 operators across sectors, including mining, resources and energy, construction, agriculture, manufacturing, defence, and space.

Operating on behalf of DevelopmentWA, CORE Innovation Hub is establishing the AARP as a world-class facility that is dynamic, collaborative, accessible, and global. We are engaging users and industry partners to be part of the growth and vision of the site, and we are keen to hear from the industry on what could add value to this proposition.

Australian Automation and Robotics Precinct
Australian Automation and Robotics Precinct

ECU Security Operation Centre

The School of Science boasts an impressive range of cyber security research facilities including two Security Operations Centres and two red/blue teaming laboratories.

A Security Operations Centre (SOC) allows security analysts to work in hierarchical teams within a focussed environment to detect, evaluate, mitigate and triage cyber security incidents. Our SOC capability allows our researchers to investigate novel data visualisation and interpretation mechanisms as well as looking at the human factors of SOC operations by monitoring analysts in a safe, controlled environment with the aim of improving the effectiveness and resilience of SOC operators.

Our red/blue teaming facilities allow for large-scale attack/defence scenarios to be executed in a large, but controlled environment. Our capability covers both Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) infrastructure to deliver common computing environments (server, desktop, mobile and other personal devices) and a range of OT/IoT end-points. The combination of large-scale cyber exercises and SOC monitoring environments provide our researchers with world-class facilities.

More details:
ECU Cyber Security Facility

The CT-Scanner facility, ECU Centre for Sustainable Energy and Resources

The CT-Scanner facility is a powerful tool for characterising multi-phase fluid flow in porous media by providing high-resolution, three-dimensional images of the internal structure of rock samples. This non-invasive imaging technique allows for the visualisation and quantification of pore space, fluid distribution, and dynamic flow processes under varying pressure and temperature conditions.

By capturing real-time data on fluid saturation, displacement, and migration patterns, the CT-Scanner enables the analysis of how different fluids, such as water, oil, or gas, interact within complex porous networks. This is crucial for understanding reservoir behaviour, optimising recovery methods, and enhancing models of fluid transport in subsurface environments.

CT-Scanner facility