Call for Special Session Proposals

We invite researchers, academics, and industry professionals to submit Special Session proposals matching the areas of research covered by DICTA 2024.

Required Proposal Information:

  • Title of special session
  • Names, affiliations, and contact information of the session organizer(s),
  • Short biography of the organizer(s),
  • Brief description and motivation for the special session (max 500 words),
  • List of 4 potential contributors and their affiliations (with no more than two papers from the organizers)
  • Awards, if any
  • Sponsorship, if any

Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic and qualifications and/or track record of the organizers and potential contributors.

The manuscripts in each accepted Special Session, must follow the same formatting guidelines as regular papers, and submitted through the paper submission website of DICTA 2024 as regular submissions to the designated invited session (by scrolling down the topic list). It is the responsibility of the authors to make sure that papers submitted to an invited session clearly indicate the name of the invited session the paper belongs to. All papers submitted to a Special Sessions will be subject to the same peer-review procedure as regular papers. If a Special Session do not get a minimum of four (04) papers accepted after the review process and we are unable to find suitable substitutes from the regular review pool, the Special Session may be cancelled or combined with another session of similar topic.


  • Special Session Proposals Due: May 1, 2024 (Early proposals are highly encouraged)
  • Notification of Special Session Acceptance: May 8, 2024
  • Full-Length Paper submission: July 1, 2024