Call for Tutorials

The organizing committee of DICTA 2024 invites proposals for Tutorials on cutting-edge topics in digital image and video processing. Tutorials at DICTA 2024 will be conducted on 26th November 2024, featuring both morning and afternoon sessions, each spanning 3 hours.

Before submitting your proposal, please review the following guidelines carefully:

Required Proposal Information

Each submission must include a title, the duration: e.g., half day (3 hours) or full day (6 hours), presenters: Names, affiliation, contact information (email and mailing address), and a short bio for each presenter, a short description (around 50 words) about the main idea including motivation, impact, and scope/topics, etc.

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be peer-reviewed based on the following criteria:

  1. Timeliness of the proposal: Assess the importance of the topic in 2024 and its relevance to DICTA.
  2. Quality of the proposal: Evaluate the coverage of the topic, coherence, and the speakers' expertise.
  3. Spectrum of the proposal: Ensure that the topic is of broad interest to academia and/or industry, targeting researchers and/or engineers.
  4. Accessibility of presentation material: Confirm that the presentation can be comprehended by the diverse audience of DICTA, including graduate students, engineers, researchers, and professors.

Important Dates

  • Tutorial Proposals Due: July 15, 2024 (Early proposals are highly encouraged)
  • Notification of Tutorial Acceptance: Aug 01, 2024

Proposal Submission Instructions:

All tutorial proposals (and enquiries) should be sent by e-mail to all DICTA 2024 Workshop and Tutorial Chairs with a copy to

We look forward to receiving your research contributions and we will be happy to host you in Perth, Western Australia.

Workshop and Tutorial Chairs

Lian Xu (

Bruce Lu (

Hassan Mahmood (

DICTA 2024 Call for Tutorials - PDF for print